I am stunned to discover that I have neglected my personal blog for over a year, so I am rectifying that immediately with this post about cancer and stress. (Note-I have continued posting on Psychology Today, so please feel free to check out those articles. Some include toxic stress, depression, bullying, sleep, betrayal, and staying in love. Full list of articles can be found here.) Now back to this post about cancer.
I have lost a number of friends and family to cancer—and have as many (or more) that are cancer survivors. Cancer is pervasive and can be frightening as it is one the leading causes of death worldwide (2020 saw around 19.3 million new cancer cases and 9.9 cancer related deaths). For those who don’t know, cancer is not a specific disease but a cluster of over 200 diseases typified by dysfunctional cell growth that is rapidly replicated. The challenge is that the body’s immune system often misses detecting the stealth cell growth and then has difficulty eliminating it. Additionally, cancer stem cells that produce tumors have a sneaky way of taking a rest during cancer treatment and then re-awakening at a later date.
While there are various pathways and adaptations that are involved based on cancer type, progression, treatment(s), age, and gender, there are some epigenetic influences that can be managed. Or put another way, there are some lifestyle habits and ways of viewing life and coping with stress that can exacerbate conditions that make cancer cells thrive or remain inactive. One obvious solution is to eliminate smoking, alcohol, drugs, and exposure to toxic chemicals as they create havoc on the body and lead to ripe conditions for multiple diseases, including cancer.
Cancer and Stress
But there’s still more you can do to protect yourself. Distress has been cited at the sixth vital sign in diagnosing cancer, so managing stress can be critical for cancer prevention and cancer recovery. This makes sense when you understand that stress can increase the pro-inflammatory cytokines that feed cancer while simultaneously disrupting protective immune responses. In fact, people with a history of child maltreatment and trauma have been shown to have higher rates of depression, anxiety, fatigue, and stress. Moreover, they also tend to have more internalized shame and cognitive distortions (seeing things in more negative ways and ruminating on negativity). Thus, working with someone to overcome the negative perceptions and treat the underlying trauma, anxiety, and depression can be powerful for healing. Meditation, self-compassion, positive self-soothing, realistic appraisal, and employing healthy boundaries can enhance resilience and coping while reducing inflammation.
Nutritional Support
Dietary changes can also help. While it has been cited that sugar feeds cancer and processed foods may introduce unsafe chemicals into the body, there are foods that are more cancer-fighting. Beresford-Kroeger, author of The Sweetness of a Simple Life, provides a broader environmental systemic look at cancer and health and points out that the diversity of the human diet has gone from 85,000 different plant species to approximately eight main versions. She recommends rosemary and reishi mushrooms because they decrease free radicals by 50% while shiitake mushrooms decrease proliferation of cancer cells. Burdock root, onions, and garlic contain alliin—and hanging the onions and garlic in the kitchen allows you to breathe in the alliin, which helps to break down pre-cancerous cells and stimulates the immune system while decreasing blood pressure. Strawberries have ellagic acid which reduces the mutagenicity of toxins entering the cell that can lead to cancer. Additionally, keeping a ratio of one omega-3 for every six omega-6’s is recommended.
These are a few suggestions. Always speak with your doctor to ensure changes you are making are beneficial for your medical condition as people vary. For instance, you could be allergic strawberries, so avoid them and other things that do not work for you. The important takeaways are to manage your stress, find support, eat healthy and avoid toxins, get sleep so your body can heal, and try to increase more joy and gratitude in your life while decreasing fear and anxiety.
Finally, I will close with this quote by Anita Moorjani, the author of Dying to Be Me: My Journey from Cancer, to Near Death, to True Healing: “I could feel my attachment to the scene receding as I began to realize that everything was perfect and going according to plan in the greater tapestry.”