This is probably one of the hardest things to do because we’re so conditioned to it. We judge. We judge each other and we judge ourselves. In fact, we’re probably the worst on ourselves.
Think about it. What do you tell yourself all day long? What does that inner critic say when you’re running late or when your project failed? How about when you look at yourself in the mirror? Remember how feelings move? Well, our inner critic creates a lot of feelings—fear, self-doubt, shame, embarrassment, sadness, loneliness, and so on.
Quiet the inner critical judge and try replacing it with love and gratitude. You’ll save yourself, and the loved ones around you, from a lot of pain.
Inspiration for the Day: “Love is the great miracle cure. Loving ourselves works miracles in our lives.” -Louise L. Hay
Note: This is an ongoing series to help provide support during these challenging times. These daily readings are part of an overall book on balance, which includes 12 essentials for maintaining balance to support resilience and your best self. The 12 essentials include mind, body, love, service, self, family, intimacy, purpose, environment/living space, nature, social relations, and spirit. This series is sharing 30 days of lessons about love. It will examine multiple aspects of love and provide knowledge and inspiration for hearts to heal and love to flow. It is designed as a daily reader to allow time to reflect, process and incorporate.