Don’t be afraid to look within and understand what you are feeling. Sometimes we get so wrapped up with responsibilities that we go into autopilot and just respond. Then time goes on and we forget to feel, or think it’s a selfish luxury. But, it’s not. Feelings move. They don’t go away just because you don’t acknowledge it.
The danger of not addressing one’s feelings is how feelings will reveal themselves in other ways to get you your attention such as, manifesting physical ailments (headaches, stomach aches, back aches, sinus problems, etc.), or through damaging habits (drinking, substance abuse, shopping, eating disorders). It’s when we turn away from our feelings—from ourselves—that problems arise. Then we’re no good to anyone.
Take it simple and acknowledge what you’re feeling. Honor your inner truth. That’s why sharing troubling things in a group or with a counselor can be so helpful. Journals and tape recorders are additional ways of expressing your feelings.
Inspiration for the Day: “If the essential core of the person is denied or suppressed, he gets sick sometimes in obvious ways, sometimes in subtle ways, sometimes immediately, sometimes later.” -Abraham Maslow
Note: This is an ongoing series to help provide support during these challenging times. These daily readings are part of an overall book on balance, which includes 12 essentials for maintaining balance to support resilience and your best self. The 12 essentials include mind, body, love, service, self, family, intimacy, purpose, environment/living space, nature, social relations, and spirit. This series is sharing 30 days of lessons about love. It will examine multiple aspects of love and provide knowledge and inspiration for hearts to heal and love to flow. It is designed as a daily reader to allow time to reflect, process and incorporate.